Endurance Horses

Valinor Park Ghazal progeny in Nth America.

We're exceptionally pleased with the progeny from Valinor Park Ghazal (Barabas NL x Valinor Park Geisha [Saracin UK]) in Nth America. His eldest son will soon go to the breakers, and his youngest son is an outstanding colt. All are from different mare lines, but all very consistent in quality.

Valinor Park Ghazal will have more Nth American foals due in the next foaling season for the Northern Hemisphere and endurance breeders in particular, have embraced him due to being such an exceptional outcross.

In Australia, Wyndarrah Park Ghataarn has commenced his endurance career with successful completions of 2 40kms rides with great recoveries.

In the UAE, his progeny continue to perform well - sadly many left Australia without being fully registered, so it's been a challenge to keep track of them all.

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